Paper Review 14: U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation
- Contracting path to capture context
- Expanding path that enables precise localization
Loss Function
pixel-wise soft-max over final feature map combined with cross entropy loss function
\[E=\sum_{x\inΩ}w(x)\log(p_{l(x)}(x))\\ w(x)=\text{weight map for giving more importance to some pixels}\\ l:Ω→\{1,...,K\} = \text{true label of each pixel}\]Training
Pre-compute the weight map for each ground truth segmentation
- to compensate the different frequency of pixels from certain class in the training data set
- force network to learn small separation borders
- w_c = weight map to balance class frequencies
- d1 = distance to the border of nearest cell
- d2 = distance to the border of second nearest cell