
Constant vector offsets between pairs of words shares a particular relationship!

  • EX: apple - apples ≈ family - families

Method to verify

Assuming relationships between vectors, perform the test below to verify.

  1. Train a traditional RNN model to get word representations
  2. Create a test set of analogy questions of the form “as is to be as c is to ___”

    We need 2 kind of test sets.

    • Syntactic test set
    • Semantic test set
  3. Use embedding vectors to answer the question, “a:b - c:d” where d is unknown
    1. Find embedding vectors $x_a$, $x_b$, $x_c$
    2. compute $y = x_b-x_a+x_c$
    3. Find the word whose embedding vector has the greatest cosine similarity to y

      \[w^*=\argmax_w\frac{x_wy}{||x_w||\ ||y||}\]


  • Almost 40% accuracy
  • Outperforms existing model at that time with SemEval-2012 Task 2 questions


Is it possible to say that the hypothesis of word representations has been validated with a model with 40% accuracy although it outperformed the previous model at that time?

I thought that it should be tested much more thoroughly