
Showed LSTM architecture that can solve general sequence to sequence problems

  1. One LSTM to read input sequence → Fixed dimensional vector representation
  2. Another LSTM to extract output sequence from that vector


Decoding and Rescoring

Training objective is to maximize the log probability of a correct translation T given the source sentence S where $\mathcal{S}$ is the training set.

\[1/|\mathcal{S}|\sum_{(T,S)\in \mathcal{S}} \log p(T|S)\]

After training, we can produce translations by finding the most likely translation according to LSTM

\[\hat{T}=\arg \max_T p(T|S)\]

Search for the most likely translation using a simple left-to-right beam search decoder maintaining B partial hypotheses

Reversing the Source Sentences

LSTM learned much better when the source sentences are reversed while the target sentence is not reversed

Why?) “Minimal time lag” → average distance between corresponding words in the source and the target is unchanged